Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Social Media with a Twist

What would you think if I told you that there was a social media site almost like Facebook where you get paid to socialize. You would more then likely think I've lost my mind. Well, I haven't lost my mind and I have been using this site for my own personal business. The beauty of this site is that yes you get paid for using social media. Not only can you post to this account but you can also set it up to post straight to your twitter and Facebook account. Yes, that's sort of like a bonus.

Let me tell you what I have noticed the few months that I have been on this site. I love it from the business aspect due in part that I am not blocked from others seeing my post. To get even further coverage all you have a do is use a few custom hashtags that are pretty common. Want to be seen even further, grow your page by accepting or inviting others to this social media site.

What's the kicker you ask. It's an invite only website. You can't create an account without being invited. I've noticed a lot of people are a bit afraid to leave Facebook, which is fine. Getting paid for socializing is not for everyone. Where businesses are struggling to be seen on Facebook, I'm fortunate to watch businesses excel on this site.

So what's the site? TSU (pronounced sue) and it's changing the way that others social. I've spoken with a few people that have created their own businesses using their talents. I've heard the complaints of entrepreneurs who have told me that their business struggled on Facebook and they made no money. But when they took the leap to head to tsu not only did their business excel in leaps and bounds but they actually got paid not only from selling their goods but get that bonus of being paid to socialize. We all know that in order to reach the masses we have to be able to use social media to our advantage. Using tsu lets you continue using your own Facebook page and twitter without having to go straight to the apps or sites to post, which is a big convenience. At this time you can not post to Instagram, but given that it is an option to link to it pretty much tells me that it is something that they are working on.

We all know that business owners, whether we have a business that we created using our own crafts and talents or are selling multi-level marketing do best when they are using social media. But as Facebook is changing so many policies because as J.W. put it, "People are complaining that they see too many people trying to sell them something and they are sick of seeing it." I won't even get into that. But that is why the big change has taken place back in January. Your business is just not seen like it used to be because you have to advertise what you are sharing to the people that are already on your page. Why do you have to advertise to them? Because they aren't seeing what you are posting. And even if they are set up for notifications they only receive a portion of notifications that the page has posted. 

So a business has to get the double gouge from Facebook. Pay for the followers that have already liked the page to see what they are posting and pay for advertising for new followers. The benefit for tsu? They pay you. Now first off tsu is not paying me to create this blog post. It's the awesomeness of the site that prompts me to inform you of it and a few of its perks. If you want to see your business grow give it a chance. If you want to stay stuck in your rut then stick with what you've got.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Multi-level marketing mergers and how to handle them

Mergers happen, sometimes it's unavoidable. I get it this is your business. The business that kept food on the table, kept the light bill on and now it feels as though the company you were selling through has slapped you in the face with what you consider devastating news. You were apart of something big and you were successful with it. Whether you have been with the company since it started or you just signed up, the only thing that changes is that your starting at the beginning, again.

You may be thinking, "That's a deal breaker right there!" Look if the product that you have been selling is still going to be sold why do you need to back down. So the inventory falls to a small amount. Hang tight, with a merger the new company has to adjust and it will take time for new and more products to become available. If the products that were the main factor for you selling are no longer being sold, contact the person that you signed under to find out if the equipment was purchased in the merger. If it has then you can pretty much be assured that yes it is coming back. It will just take some time.

Don't be an unprofessional business owner or even a cocky Charlotte and bash or attack others in the forums where you were sharing information regarding your business. Show professionalism. You are still a business owner. Find out all the key facts and factors to determine how this affects your business. Sometimes you have to pay a fee and/or sign with the company that bought your parent company.

Things will get better. So your able to address a new market and a new list of clients. In all honesty I don't see a problem with that. I see an opportunity to expand your base, your horizons. To stick with your business that you created is your choice. To walk away is your choice too. But don't attack others. Don't make someone feel lower than low because you're mad. All you are showing is a side that no one wants to ever see from a business owner. Word does get out and it will taint your business and how you sell the products.

If your on the fence to whether or not you should transition over grab a pen and some paper and write your pros and cons list. This will help you decide to continue with your business or walk away. Mergers take time and you should have a couple of weeks to fully decided what is in the best interest for you and your business.

If you have family members that are telling you, you were stupid to sign with your business. Well, you know who to avoid. And in all honesty they are the people that will always be toxic to your business. They are the ones secretly hoping that you fail. When it comes to business, as a business owner you stick with like minded people. If you are the one that is hoping the business fails, just back out. Don't look back, back out because all you are going to manage to do is kill your own business. Tainting your reputation along the way. Any MLM (multi-level marketing) business that you sign up with after that to sell for you're going to fail in that too because of the attitude that you had during a merger.

Sit down with a cup of tea or coffee. Don't let distractions pester you and write out your list. See where you stand and make your decision from there. Don't be hasty with anger. Be vigilant about your business and don't let your passion run away from you.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Re-do the To Do List

I read a lot of business magazines when I get the free chance. It's my dirty little secret, much like that hidden Halloween candy in the kitchen. One thing that that has been written in an article is the dreaded to do list. Why is it so dreaded. Well, really when was the last time you did a to do list? They make you feel as though not a lot is getting accomplished. And who doesn't have things that don't roll over to the next day. Back when I worked a full 9-5 job for other companies I kept a To Do List. Every couple of months I would need to get a new notebook and start the whole process all over again. Yeah, there are trees out there that I owe an apologies to.

So when was the last time you didn't get stressed out from your to do list? It's one of the things that stress me out to no end. The article I read takes all the stress out of the unfinished work making it finished work in the correct amount of time. My to do lists always consisted of trying to get more then 25 things done in a day. now that is pretty stressful and not every day it could be done. As long as everything was finished by Friday before I left work for the weekend I think I was doing pretty good. According to this article I can still get all 25+ things done but in a better time line.

Some companies are moving towards to do lists that take a week not a day to get things done. In some cases the to do list are for the month or more depending on the projects. Why didn't I ever think to do that? Because before I became an entrepreneur I never had a reason to think outside of the box. Put a special needs child into the mix and you've got a to do list that's gone to a to don't get done list. And believe me as busy as life can get having a to do list where you actually mark things off the list and feel more gets accomplished keeps you moving forward. It's kind of like a mini evaluation at the time frame end. Seeing that you are able to get what needs to be done actually done motivates you more to add just a bit more at a time. You see what you need to work on time wise and are able to find your time wasters.

Time wasters are the little things that keep you from getting your work done. Finding time to place time wasters in their own "time zone". Time Zone's are a certain that you set aside for things that need to get done but not during your time for your projects. Think about it the way that a doctor's office get their call backs done. Time set aside in the morning for call backs and time in the afternoon for the call backs. Yes we all have to deal with phone calls but when it comes to getting all your projects done and phone calls are the killers set aside time to tackle them and don't go over that time. Don't forget to stay organized. Even messy organization is okay as long as you know where everything is. Not being able to locate what your looking for kills you on being able to stay on track and marking things off the to do list.

Re-think how you keep up with your work and projects by re-thinking how you tackle your to do list and change it from daily to weekly.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Up-cycling or refashioning: It's Game On!

We touched on this last year on the radio show regarding up-cycling. Now this has turned into quiet the little business. Thanks in part to a young woman whose blog is making a lot of us re-think fashion. Refashioning is a hot topic. From pinterest tutorials to step by step instructions from Jillian the Fashionista and her friends, women everywhere are creating new etsy businesses every day. I will admit it. I have tried my hand at it too. My project was a winter cloak. And not just any cloak a thick warm winter cloak. If you can't find what you need you make it. It does remind me of a time when women did make what they wanted and needed by patterns. Back when if something was broken you fixed it, not throwing it out.

That is a lot of what refashioning is. Taking something old and making it new. Taking what some would consider garbage and turning it into expensive beautiful creations. And it's not just stopping in the etsy market people are opening stores just for their one of a kind pieces of fashion.

Ugly Christmas sweaters become skirts and leggings. In some cases they become skirts. Jewelry gets a new fresh look and lives on further. Purses and bags are created from tires, old bags and clothing. Because everything is new different and one of a kind, it becomes products that people want unable to live without it. It's a great thing, making sure that a lot of these items don't end up land fills.

Up-cycling is fun, inventive and unique. Not many pinterest fails with up-cycling because this is the fashion that you create. Yeah, some do it far better then others but that's because practice makes perfect. Face it very rarely someone can create the first piece perfectly without practice.

If up-cycling is something that you have been debating with your crafts, there is a market for you. You have others that are interested in your work. Remember if you do what you love you never work. And on that note I have a few projects that I'm refashioning. Have fun everyone!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Direct Marketing at Vendor Events (Are you doing it right?)

Direct marketing is the fastest and easiest way to create a business. Where you can start making money the very moment you sign up. In order to be successful you really need to have a passion for what you're selling. A small sampling of direct marketing businesses are Thirty-one, Younique Products, Jewel Kade, Origami Owl, Tupper ware, Young Living Essential oils, Plexus, Avon, Mary Kay and the list goes on and on! There are plenty of options for selling and many are taking advantage of Vendor events.

Your town, city or parrish has plenty of events where everyone can get together and sell their goods or services, but at a higher cost. And then you have individuals who offer a great location for the direct marketers to sell their goods for a better price, but at what cost?

JW and I had both two vendor events put together by one young lady. She has a lot of promise but not a lot of public relations sense. Getting the word out about an event that you are hosting is the key to everyone being a success. And if you can't make sure that your events are a success you won't get return business. After all, not all vendors at these type of events are solely for direct marketing only. You also have vendors who create their own products to sell. Soaps, bows, frames, art, dolls and accessories.

The point with this blog is that you have to have a smile and knowledge about the products that your sell. Don't let the fact that you can make a lot of money with these companies that your focus on what the customer needs and is looking for that you don't know what you're selling. This weekend I was lucky enough to encounter a woman who wandered around the event scoping out who else was there. Now I can tell you for a fact that the way that I live my life I live by essentials oils. I could sell for Young Living if I wanted too but that's not my forte. I was there with a different direct marketing business. This woman was selling tupperware. She arrived late, set up late and snubbed just about every business that she passed by saying they were not as good as the businesses that she does. "And what all do you sell?" I asked her. "I sell it all, baby!" was her reply to me. "And that includes Young Living essential oils."

I am grateful that she can go and spend money to wear multiple hats but shunning everyone, even those that are not your competition like we are all encompassed with leprosy is not the way to make sure that other vendors ever come to you for anything you would ever offer. Vendor events no matter how big or small means your first and only priority is to make contacts. Contacts, are your bread and butter. And vendors even though you are competing with them for a customers money, are your best contacts.

This woman walked to the booth right next to me, turned and screamed out that I, Beth of Something Building, needed to purchase $110 worth of lotions. Okay, I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. I don't buy commercially made beauty products. Most carry the chemical sls and my child who has autism and is extremely sensitive to sls. And guess what. There is going to be a time where this expensive product is going to find it's way all over the floors, the beds, the dressers, the bathroom, etc. Because my child will be getting into it and will enjoy painting it all over the house when mommy is busy with working or cleaning.

Looking at her, I told her that I didn't need it. I used Rose Hip oil. Her face dropped from cocky to wtf in less then 2 seconds flat and said, "What's that?" At this point I leaned forward and said, "It's an essential oil, you know those things you sell with Young Living." "Oh it didn't come in my kit, so I don't have to worry about it."

Alright, let me just slow the roll of the blog right here. If you are going to be selling direct market then you darn well know what products that you are selling and you had better have a passion for the products. I could sell essential oils in my sleep if I wanted to because there is such a huge market for it if you know how to sell direct marketing. I was a prime person that she could have sold anything too when it comes to essential oils. But people that are getting into direct marketing are going to be having a harder time selling with cocky attitudes and lack of knowledge on the products being sold.

Go above and beyond and look around you. Learn who your customers are and where they are. Every opportunity is an opportunity to sell but for the love of all things shiny don't be like cocky Charlotte and brag about everything you do and sell and not know what it is that you are selling! There is a list of names that goes with Cocky Charlotte and clueless happens to be that the top of that list.

And if the event your at doesn't fair well at all, do yourself a favor and go around to all other vendor booths. Collect up their business cards. At least you will have emails for your data base. So no matter how you look at it you still have an opportunity to sell, sell, sell. Don't set yourself up for failure.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How can I keep up my business with my special needs child?

This is a question that I can relate to with all my heart. One of the things that I am fortunate enough to have is friends who have small businesses and special needs children. I myself have a child with autism and they have such strange habits, like not sleeping at night.

I've gone far past the times when I can work when she can sleep. My child has never slept and for me not much work was getting done. And with summer being in full bloom and school being out for a few months how much work can I get done. A lot more now then when she was diagnosed and I was still trying to figure out having a business and the business of therapy and doctor's appointments for me child. Having a regular job where I punch a clock with someone else isn't an option for me. My child has missed so many days due to bad illnesses that it's not funny at all. But here's some of my tips and tricks that I use to get all the work done without having a nanny or babysitter and it's you caring for your child and your business begging for your attention as well.

Day or night there are plenty of times for me to work. My child enjoys stemming and that soothes her, doesn't calm her down to sleep but it does help her function in her chaotic world. My business deals with being solely online. So the computer is my work station and the laptop goes everywhere that I go just about. But for others who create things that they sell that can be a bit of a challenge. A structured schedule can help for not only your special needs child but for other children that you have as well.

Picture schedules are great for keeping children on schedule and yourself as well. Playtime outside if the weather permits is a great break for not only your child but for yourself. Sometimes depending what type of business that you have your child can do work sheets for learning while they sit right beside you and you can help guide them with their education. Some of the things that helps with my child and her autism is the ipad, an exercise ball for stemming, a trampoline and the all important swing. We also do a lot of crafts together where she ends up with something that she can play with. Playdoughs are her favorite and clay is easy and simple to use for her as art is her talent. When it comes to my child I have to make sure that she is always in my eye sight including when we ride bikes together. Call me a helicopter mom if you want but you have to remember that children with special needs are different. They require just as much attention as your business.
Time together with your child is time you will never get back if you don't put forth time and attention for both your business, child and your sanity. Enjoy the break times outside, your child(ren) are only young once.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Too busy to do social media, try these tips

Well, we are all a little too busy with our business and families but what can you do to keep your name in the streams? Put everything on auto pilot!

Blog posts can be scheduled. Facebook statuses can also be scheduled. The only thing I have not been scheduled would be twitter. But you know as they say, where there is a will there is a way. I'll let you in on Something Buildings big secret. It's not easy having to do blogs for Something Building and my own business and Jason stays on the road a lot with his business. So how do we do it?

I'll admit there were times that we were so busy we just couldn't keep up with all things social media. But scheduling everything to go out on certain times and dates makes it so much easier. For all the posts that go out on facebook I just look up business advice and then share that as scheduled. That keeps us in the news feeds, which is also known as "viral visibility". On your regular facebook page you can type in facebook.com/twitter and use this to link your fan page to your twitter account. Everything that you schedule on facebook will be shared on your twitter account.

From your blog type up enough blog material to last you a month if you need. When you schedule your posts make sure that some time during the day you go into your blog and share out to your facebook, and google and any other accounts that you may have. It's easier this way to spread the word about what your business is doing and you can spend plenty of time with your family or focus a little more time with your family.

Technology makes it easier to keep up with what's important. Well these are our tricks that we use. Enjoy using them yourself.