Mergers happen, sometimes it's unavoidable. I get it this is your business. The business that kept food on the table, kept the light bill on and now it feels as though the company you were selling through has slapped you in the face with what you consider devastating news. You were apart of something big and you were successful with it. Whether you have been with the company since it started or you just signed up, the only thing that changes is that your starting at the beginning, again.
You may be thinking, "That's a deal breaker right there!" Look if the product that you have been selling is still going to be sold why do you need to back down. So the inventory falls to a small amount. Hang tight, with a merger the new company has to adjust and it will take time for new and more products to become available. If the products that were the main factor for you selling are no longer being sold, contact the person that you signed under to find out if the equipment was purchased in the merger. If it has then you can pretty much be assured that yes it is coming back. It will just take some time.
Don't be an unprofessional business owner or even a cocky Charlotte and bash or attack others in the forums where you were sharing information regarding your business. Show professionalism. You are still a business owner. Find out all the key facts and factors to determine how this affects your business. Sometimes you have to pay a fee and/or sign with the company that bought your parent company.
Things will get better. So your able to address a new market and a new list of clients. In all honesty I don't see a problem with that. I see an opportunity to expand your base, your horizons. To stick with your business that you created is your choice. To walk away is your choice too. But don't attack others. Don't make someone feel lower than low because you're mad. All you are showing is a side that no one wants to ever see from a business owner. Word does get out and it will taint your business and how you sell the products.
If your on the fence to whether or not you should transition over grab a pen and some paper and write your pros and cons list. This will help you decide to continue with your business or walk away. Mergers take time and you should have a couple of weeks to fully decided what is in the best interest for you and your business.
If you have family members that are telling you, you were stupid to sign with your business. Well, you know who to avoid. And in all honesty they are the people that will always be toxic to your business. They are the ones secretly hoping that you fail. When it comes to business, as a business owner you stick with like minded people. If you are the one that is hoping the business fails, just back out. Don't look back, back out because all you are going to manage to do is kill your own business. Tainting your reputation along the way. Any MLM (multi-level marketing) business that you sign up with after that to sell for you're going to fail in that too because of the attitude that you had during a merger.
Sit down with a cup of tea or coffee. Don't let distractions pester you and write out your list. See where you stand and make your decision from there. Don't be hasty with anger. Be vigilant about your business and don't let your passion run away from you.
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