Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Too busy to do social media, try these tips

Well, we are all a little too busy with our business and families but what can you do to keep your name in the streams? Put everything on auto pilot!

Blog posts can be scheduled. Facebook statuses can also be scheduled. The only thing I have not been scheduled would be twitter. But you know as they say, where there is a will there is a way. I'll let you in on Something Buildings big secret. It's not easy having to do blogs for Something Building and my own business and Jason stays on the road a lot with his business. So how do we do it?

I'll admit there were times that we were so busy we just couldn't keep up with all things social media. But scheduling everything to go out on certain times and dates makes it so much easier. For all the posts that go out on facebook I just look up business advice and then share that as scheduled. That keeps us in the news feeds, which is also known as "viral visibility". On your regular facebook page you can type in facebook.com/twitter and use this to link your fan page to your twitter account. Everything that you schedule on facebook will be shared on your twitter account.

From your blog type up enough blog material to last you a month if you need. When you schedule your posts make sure that some time during the day you go into your blog and share out to your facebook, and google and any other accounts that you may have. It's easier this way to spread the word about what your business is doing and you can spend plenty of time with your family or focus a little more time with your family.

Technology makes it easier to keep up with what's important. Well these are our tricks that we use. Enjoy using them yourself.

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