Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Using Social Media for Business

The first rule of thumb for using social media to increase your business is to get to know your "friends" first. Look at it this way: You're invited to a party. You don't just walk in and start selling your product. You walk around and to meet and know new people. Well that's the same way that social media works. You have to get to know people first before you start offering advice or your services. Most of your friends will be able to use your services the other half might not be able to use those services. And you want people that will refer your business to others. You want to build a solid trust with people where they can feel they can trust you. To feel as if you are the expert in your field. That's what your seeking. Not a way to have people turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to you.

If you turn people off to you and your business can't grow. Another example is you're at the party and someone comes up to you reeking of the party they started way before they got there. But they see you as a wall. Someone that will hold them up and listen to them. You don't like people like this being all over you so please use common courtesy on your social media site and don't throw yourself all over people. You don't want to be looked upon as the "lush at the party that ralph's on the hostess' shoes."

Remember if you feel people are too pushy with the way they try to sell their products or business don't be like them. Get to know others, your opportunity to share your business will come but you have to get to know your clients and friends first.

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